
博彩平台推荐, a leading provider of government IT and engineering solutions and one of the top 100 employee-owned companies in the U.S., 今天宣布Peter Whitfield被任命为首席财务官, 6月24日生效. Whitfield will replace the company’s longtime CFO, Mark Danisewicz, who is retiring on July 10.

Whitfield was selected from a long list of candidates after a comprehensive national search by members of 博彩平台推荐’ executive management team and Board of Directors. Whitfield and Danisewicz will work closely together to ensure a smooth transition for the company’s employee-owners, 客户, 金融机构合作伙伴.

“在我们寻找CFO的过程中, 我们有幸会见了许多业内顶尖的金融领袖. 与我们交谈的候选人经验的广度和深度令人印象深刻. 最终,彼得是我们的最佳选择。”总裁兼首席执行官彼得·史密斯说. “作为一家员工所有的公司, 我们有独特的文化, 我相信彼得不仅是亚洲体育博彩平台的一笔宝贵财富, 但他会很合适的, 也.”

“我很高兴被选为亚洲体育博彩平台的新任首席财务官, 谁的声誉和记录是无可指责的,惠特菲尔德说。. “I know that I have big shoes to fill and look forward to the opportunity to build on the company’s 40- year legacy as an industry leader.”

Whitfield is a seasoned executive with more than 30 years of diverse finance and accounting experience with privately-held and publicly-traded companies, 最近担任共享频谱公司的首席财务官, 为联邦和商业客户提供技术解决方案.

在Shared Spectrum任职之前, Whitfield held executive leadership positions in operations and finance for a number of business-to-consumer, business-tobusiness, 以及企业对政府的公司, 包括联通政府, 公司. (前GTSI), InPhonic, Morgan Franklin, Broadwing, 公司.,以及MCI. 他的专业领域涉及财务规划, 预测, 投资者关系, 兼并与收购, 审计, 以及遵守联邦法规. Whitfield获得佩斯大学工商管理学士学位.