
博彩平台推荐, 联邦IT和工程解决方案的领先供应商, 今天宣布,它已经获得了一份美国合同.S. 总务管理局(GSA)连接II (CNX II)合同. 根据多次授予不确定交付/不确定数量(IDIQ)合同, 它在9年零3个月内的上限约为50亿美元, 博彩平台推荐 will provide comprehensive support for all federal agency telecommunications, 网络和通信需求.

博彩平台推荐 has supported the federal government’s critical infrastructure needs by providing national services in cleared and uncleared environments. This contract provides our customers an efficient avenue to achieve their mission-critical communications and IT requirements,威廉·C说. 胡佛,亚洲体育博彩平台总裁兼首席执行官. “We’re proud to continue our work solving the technical challenges faced by the federal government via the Connections II contract.”

根据合同条款, 亚洲体育博彩平台将帮助满足政府机构的设备需求, 建筑, and campus infrastructure needs; provide professional services to support existing networks; and design customized client-specific solutions.

CNX II will have four solution sets designed to provide the federal government with a range of telecommunications infrastructure equipment and services, 包括:

  • 通讯和网络

  • 大楼/校园设施准备

  • 运营、管理和管理(OA)&M)

  • 客户服务和技术支持

亚洲体育博彩平台目前是现有连接合同的主承包商, 新的任务订单只能在2012年1月之前下达. 授予连接II合同, 它有3年零3个月的基期和6个一年的选择, 是否允许在2021年1月之前继续为现有和新客户提供服务.